It's never a pleasant scenario that brings you to need the services of a bankruptcy lawyer. It could be that your home is being foreclosed on, or that you lost your job six months ago and finding a new one has been more difficult than you anticipated. Perhaps credit card debt has you in over your head. Whatever the case, finding a good attorney is going to be your primary immediate goal. Because of the economy, more people than ever have been trying to get out from under their debt burden by using the court system. This has brought the wolves out to play. To avoid these wolves and find a firm that has you best interests at heart, here are some tips you should follow.
Don't Waste Time
Finding yourself in financial trouble can be overwhelming. The first tendency many have is to bury their head in the sand and try to wish it away. Ignore those collection calls and toss out those threatening letters that come in the mail. This, of course, makes things worse. Don't make the same mistake when it comes to finding a bankruptcy lawyer. If you wait until the last minute, you'll be more likely to fall in the trap of accepting the first one that advertises in a way that gets your attention.
Finding yourself in financial trouble can be overwhelming. The first tendency many have is to bury their head in the sand and try to wish it away. Ignore those collection calls and toss out those threatening letters that come in the mail. This, of course, makes things worse. Don't make the same mistake when it comes to finding a bankruptcy lawyer. If you wait until the last minute, you'll be more likely to fall in the trap of accepting the first one that advertises in a way that gets your attention.
Go To Court
One of the best ways to observe a bankruptcy lawyer in action is to spend a day in court, watching them argue someone else's case. As a layman, you won't be able to decipher everything there is to know and you may not have any experience telling a good attorney from a bad one. All the same, you can get a feel for their personalities and see how they interact with the judge. You may also be able to spend a moment or two talking to their clients and you can ask them if they recommend their attorney for representation.
One of the best ways to observe a bankruptcy lawyer in action is to spend a day in court, watching them argue someone else's case. As a layman, you won't be able to decipher everything there is to know and you may not have any experience telling a good attorney from a bad one. All the same, you can get a feel for their personalities and see how they interact with the judge. You may also be able to spend a moment or two talking to their clients and you can ask them if they recommend their attorney for representation.
Make Personal Visits
Don't be afraid to take advantage of more than one free consultation. When you visit a law firm, you're looking for a few things. Of course, you'll want to see what the bankruptcy lawyer has to say about your case and you'll want to see how you get along with them and the staff. But you'll also want to pay attention to your surroundings. Does this look like an organized, efficiently run office? Impressions such as these can tell you a lot about the way a firm does business.
Don't be afraid to take advantage of more than one free consultation. When you visit a law firm, you're looking for a few things. Of course, you'll want to see what the bankruptcy lawyer has to say about your case and you'll want to see how you get along with them and the staff. But you'll also want to pay attention to your surroundings. Does this look like an organized, efficiently run office? Impressions such as these can tell you a lot about the way a firm does business.